Reverse Psychology: how to make people do what you want

Esther Ebere
3 min readJul 2, 2021

Bet you have once asked someone to do something and they ended up not doing it? It’s a common trait amongst humans. And It’s natural for people to reject orders.

No one likes being forced into carrying out requests. People prefer working on their own terms. They feel more in control if the decision is theirs and isn’t coming from someone else.

Now, the question is — how do you get them to do what you want, without making them feel out of control? The answer is — Reverse Psychology!

What’s Reverse Psychology?

Reverse Psychology is a manipulative way of making someone do what they would naturally disagree to doing.

How does Reverse Psychology work?

The basic principle behind reverse psychology is — people do the opposite of your statement. You say a thing, they do the reverse.

Alternatively, instead of telling someone to perform a certain task, you challenge them by saying they can’t do it.

The end result is, they go ahead carrying out the instruction because they want to prove they’re in control and wouldn’t comply with your commands.

Examples of Reverse Psychology

At home, parents can use the following examples of Reverse Psychology;

  • Tell a young child they can’t finish a plate of food. They definitely would. This is a subtle way of forcing kids who don’t eat to swallow up their food.
  • Tell a child a certain book isn’t for their age because it will make them act like adults. They’ll read it

For Adults, the following are examples of Reverse Psychology;

  • To know what people think of you, start by saying all the bad things about yourself. They’ll do the opposite by complimenting you
  • To make a goofy adult sign up for a training, tell them they shouldn’t bother registering because the training is for smart people only, and you’re sure they aren’t smart!
  • To force people to attend your event, tell them you’re just inviting them for formality’s sake, because obviously, they would never come!

In Marketing/Advertising, the following are examples of Reverse Psychology;

  • Have a course on money-making? Make it clear in your copy your course isn’t for people who are scared of making big money!
  • Have a skincare product for women? State precisely in your copy — “ women afraid of under-twenty looks should not buy”
  • Have a course on Entrepreneurship? Let your marketing message express clearly — “The course isn’t for people who hate freedom and wouldn’t want to be their own boss”

Where to Use Reverse Psychology?

Reverse Psychology is applicable anywhere but more importantly in business, politics, schools, organizations, and homes.

When to Use Reverse Psychology?

It’s crucial to use reverse psychology in cases where people are more nonconforming than conforming. Nonconformists are a group of people who do not agree to an established pattern of thoughts, beliefs, and practices.

However, when people are conforming, it’s needless to adopt reverse psychology.

Final Words

Reverse Psychology is key to having people do what you want and when you want it.

The good thing is — you won’t have to force them. The choice is theirs but it’s in your power to influence their decision.

