How to Do Keyword Research for Free: A Simple Guide✔

Esther Ebere
3 min readJul 14, 2020

Keyword research is an important aspect of digital marketing that can be used for effective content marketing, SEO, and blogging. Before we go deep into how to do keyword research for free, let’s first understand what keyword research is all about.

What is Keyword Research?

Keyword research is the act of exploring search terms being surfed for on the internet (search engines like Bing or Google). Search terms include things like “how to create a Facebook account” or “how to bake a cake at home”.

With keyword research, you can get ideas to write for on your blog or website. This also helps you write for your buyer persona and rank on Google search results when someone searches for these keywords.

Why Keyword Research?

Keyword research provides you with the right topics to write on for your audience. It saves you from writing what people aren’t searching for on search engines and also helps you rank on search results. Let’s say for instance you wanted to write on “how to make money”, but most people are searching for “how to make money from blogging” — is likely your content won’t appear in search results when people search for this.

How to Do Keyword Research for Free?

Step 1: Use Google Autocomplete

With Google autocomplete feature you can get keyword ideas that are being searched for by people. To use Google autocomplete, type in your first phrase into Google and allow it to complete your search term.

Example: type in the phrase “how to start blogging” and allow Google autocomplete it for you — you will likely get the same result as is in that screenshot above.

Step 2: Use Google Related searches

When you search for a particular keyword on Google, Google shows you different websites that wrote on the topic you searched for, in between those search results are also terms searched for by people. See the screenshot below which shows some other keywords after I searched for “how to do keyword research”.

You will also find at the bottom of your search page “related searches” displayed by Google.

In the screenshot above, you see some keyword ideas like keyword research tools, keyword research tips, and others.

Step 3: Use free keyword research tools

There are various keyword research tools you can use to search for keywords without much stress. Most are free while some are paid. Some free keyword research tools are Google keyword planner, SEMrush, ubbersuggest, etc.

