Buyer Persona: The What, Who and How to Create One

Esther Ebere
3 min readJul 2, 2020

Buyer Persona is no longer a new term in the world of marketing, most organizations like the B2C and B2B all employ the system of buyer persona in creating and marketing content to their target audience. Buyer personas are mostly used in inbound marketing by the sales and marketing team. This is to help the two teams understand who they are marketing and selling to.

What is a Buyer Persona?

A buyer persona is a researched summary that represents an ideal customer. This researched summary is basically imaginary, meaning that it might contain some likely assumptions of who your target customer is. To give you a better understanding of what a buyer persona is, let’s look at some of the features of a buyer persona.

Features of a buyer persona:

A good buyer persona should include important information about your potential customer:

  1. The name of your target customer

2. Their Location or residence

3. Their Age

4. Their Job title and years of experience

5. Their interests

6. Their day to day activities

7. Their challenges and pain points

The “WHO” of a buyer persona?

A buyer persona answers the question of “who” your customer is. The “who” of a buyer persona is the CUSTOMER. Everything revolves around the customer. It provides you with a well-studied data of what your potential customer does for a living, the places they visit, the activities they engage in, the challenges they encounter on daily basis and also how you can provide them with solutions in order to acquire and serve them better.

How to create a buyer persona?

Creating a buyer persona structure requires in-depth questioning and analysis of who your target customer is and also extensive breakdown of your business and the solutions it covers. A buyer persona framework will help guide you in creating an effective content marketing strategy for your business, here are likely buyer persona questions to ask when identifying your target customer:

· What’s their demography: male or female, married or single, where they live?

· Define their academic background: Whether degree holders or Non-degree holders, type of institution attended etc,

· What career field they are in,

· What company or industry they work for and the role they play,

· What their working time is like,

· What their day to day activities after work is,

· What skills they have and apply to their jobs,

· What their challenges are both at work and off work,

· What their associations and social networks are,

· How they make purchases of product online and if they search for information online.

Answers to these questions can help you curate a framework for your content marketing and distribution as well as help your business fit in in providing the best solution to your ideal customer.

